Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Top Ten Tuesday #5


                                    Top ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme by Broke and the Bookish
Harry Potter literary series
 This week: The Top Ten books to get you in the Halloween Spirit.

                  1. Dracula by Bram Stoker.
                    Pretty obvious...It is a classic.

2. Frankenstein by Mary Shelly 
*See previous Book comment :)

3. Anything by HP. Lovecraft 
I've just got into this author and if you want Horror, this writer is for you!

4. The Harry Potter series.
I don't think I will ever stop reading these books. Maybe I should make it my annual Halloween time reading list.

5. Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
Read this!!!

6. Strange Angels by Lilli St.Crow
I love this book in the series it has Zombies and everything else supernatural. Plus the heroine is kick-ass!

7. Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
I read this a while ago and really liked it. You learn a lot about Jack the Ripper and what could be more spook-ay! (Insert creepy voice here)

8. The Secret Circle series.
If you've watched the TV series which Oh No! they cancelled you need to read the books! Read them years ago and they are brill :)

9. Poison Study
Not sure why this book is Halloween-y but you need to read it anyway if you haven't. It's soooo good :)

10. Either the House of Night Series or The Morganville Series.
I couldn't decide which one to pick so I've put both down. Though they are both good at the beginning of the series I feel that both now need to just stop, 10 books plus is just too much...

Thanks for checking out my list. Like it? Comment! 
Btw - Don't forget to leave a link to yours :D


  1. Oooh, so much goodness here! House of Night almost made my list! Really, REALLY want to read Anna, Strange Angels and Poison Study. So many books, so little time!

    My TTT

  2. Good list. Frankenstein and Dracula are fantastic, and I like a lot of your more recent picks.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT post!

  3. Loved your picks! Check out mine http://adventuresofateenagebookworm.blogspot.ie/2012/10/top-ten-tuesday-halloween-reads.html

  4. Ooh I really liked The HP series, and Anna Dressed in Blood. A few of the others are on my reading list, and will hopefully get to soon. Awesome list :-)

  5. Can't argue with 1, 2, and 3! Name of the Star sounds really interesting (but then I have this sort of obsession with Jack the Ripper)! Great list!
    Thanks for the comments over at my blog earlier :)
    Katie @ Fiction Predictions

  6. Great list! I can't believe I forgot about Harry Potter! Halloween in these books are great! Thanks for stopping by!


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